Top Benefits of Fleet Pressure Washing

Maintaining a fleet of vehicles involves more than just keeping them fueled and mechanically sound; it demands a commitment to their aesthetic appeal and overall longevity. One powerful solution that addresses various maintenance challenges and offers multifaceted advantages is professional fleet pressure-washing equipment employing today’s best pressure washing chemicals.

That’s why the expert team from Crown Cleaning Systems wanted to delve deeper into the extensive benefits of embracing this proactive approach to fleet management.

1. Elevating Visual Appeal: A Testament to Excellence

The visual aesthetics of your service vehicles play a pivotal role in shaping your company’s reputation across industries. Just as a well-dressed candidate leaves a lasting impression in a job interview, presenting your fleet in its best condition sends a message of commitment to excellence. Professional pressure washing, coupled with the use of premium cleaning agents, ensures a consistently neat, clean, and shiny appearance. This not only creates a positive impression on clients but also fosters a sense of pride among your fleet drivers. In essence, these drivers become more than just operators; they become your proud brand ambassadors, embodying the commitment to quality that your business stands for.

2. Mitigating Wear and Tear: Prolonging Fleet Longevity

Extended periods on the road expose vehicles to a barrage of environmental elements, including dirt, grease, mud, and grime. Left unaddressed, these elements can infiltrate critical electronic and mechanical components, leading to accelerated wear and tear. Fleet pressure washing emerges as a strategic solution to mitigate these issues effectively. Professional mobile fleet washing equipment specialize in minimizing the build-up of contaminants and addressing the root causes of vehicle wear and tear. However, it’s crucial to note that the success of this strategy lies in avoiding common mistakes, such as using excessively high pressure that could result in paint peeling or pose risks to untrained operators.  So it’s important that you employees are properly trained to use pressure washing equipment.

3. The Role of Professional Expertise: Ensuring Flawless Execution

While the benefits of fleet pressure washing are evident, the process demands a level of expertise to achieve optimal results without unintended consequences. This is where employee equipment training in proper fleet washing come into play so they have the knowledge and experience to execute the job flawlessly, ensuring that your fleet receives the care it deserves. By making sure your employees are properly trained, you not only safeguard your vehicles, but also save safe money by having your employees keep your vehicles looking their best. 

In essence, investing in a fleet washing equipment and the right fleet washing chemicals transcends the removal of dirt and grime; it becomes a strategic decision to uphold your company’s image, enhance operational efficiency, and extend the longevity of your valuable assets. As a result, your vehicles find their rightful place—on the road, operating at peak performance.

Contact us for the best fleet washing equipment with the best pressure-washing chemicals

For the best fleet washing equipment, training, chemincals and comprehensive solutions, contact Crown Cleaning Systems online or call (216) 341-6000 or Toll-Free at 1-800-766-SOAP (7627).

The Best Cleaning Companies Use the Best Pressure Washing Chemicals and Techniques

With over 25 years of providing excellent cleaning services to businesses across Northeast Ohio, we know how to get your building clean – and we also run into some misconceptions along the way. Some customers believe that power washing is simply a matter of hosing down a building with a high-pressure sprayer.

The equipment is part of the process, yes, but the true key to effective power washing is choosing the best pressure washing chemicals for the job, and knowing how to use them properly.

So, in this article, let’s talk in more depth about the range of chemicals and cleaning products we use, and how a great pressure washing company protects your assets while providing the cleaning services you need.

I. The Best Pressure Washing Chemicals for The Job

Pressure washers don’t use simple soap and water.  There are a variety of chemicals and cleaning agents used, depending on the job. These include:

Detergent Mixes

Basic pressure washing does use a mix of soap and water, but it’s not store-bought detergent.  Pressure washing detergent mixes are hyper-concentrated, far beyond what can be typically found in stores. The intensity of the detergent can also be adjusted, based on the needs of the job, and how they’ll interact with the surfaces being cleaned.


Bleach is another common additive, probably the most ‘basic’ of the chemicals used in power washing.  Of course, when dealing with large amounts of bleach, care must be taken!  A spill could be disastrous.


Chlorine is still one of the most powerful disinfectants and is typically mixed along with bleach for maximum effectiveness. This is another chemical that requires specialized handling training, due to how dangerous it can be in large quantities.


These are chemicals designed to decrease surface tension, such as loosening up the grip that dirt and grime have to a building. This aids the power washing and helps protect your property by reducing the amount of physical pressure needed to knock grime loose.

Foaming Agents

Foaming agents aren’t just for looks.  They actually help the detergent penetrate into cracks, crevices, and holes, such as all the porous surfaces in brick or concrete walls.  They can also help the detergent and surfactant stick to the surface for longer, increasing the cleaning power.

Metal Brighteners

When cleaning metal surfaces, such as aluminum, acid-based detergents are used which are capable of cutting through oxidation.  They’re effective as cleaning agents, but also leave the metal looking shiny and new.


Pressure washing blends typically also include some scent agents, specifically to cover up the smell of chlorine, bleach, and other chemicals used in the process.

II. Important Techniques When Power Washing

Even if you have all the right chemicals, you still need the know-how to handle them properly, while protecting your property from any unintended damage.

A great power washing company will:

Know the location.

A washing company should never show up to your business and just start blasting away with its sprayer. Proper technique begins with a full site survey, to learn what surfaces will be cleaned, and how much work will need to be done. This allows them to formulate the best cleaning mixes for the job while protecting vulnerable or easily damaged surfaces.

Cover vulnerable areas.

Not every surface is suitable for power washing. A cleaning company must identify areas that cannot be power-washed and take steps to protect them from the pressure and/or chemicals. Plastic sheets, tarps, or heavy drop curtains are often utilized.

Clear the area of small objects.

Any small object can become a deadly flying hazard if it’s hit with a pressure sprayer.  A good cleaning company will meticulously clear any small items before attempting a cleaning. You can help speed up the process (and reduce your hourly charges) by clearing out small items ahead of time.

Watch the weather.

Think it’s bad when it starts raining when you’re washing your car?  It’s so much worse if that happens in the middle of a pressure wash.  Wind can also be a big problem since it can carry chemicals away from the building and into unsuitable places. A good cleaning company always watches the weather carefully and adjusts their techniques to fit.

Protect nearby people.

A power washing company should always block off foot access to any area they’re cleaning, with the barriers far enough away that people won’t be hit by spray.  Power washing chemicals can be dangerous if they come into contact with a person’s skin, eyes, mouth, or nose.

Crown Cleaning Systems Keeps Ohio Beautiful

We’re Ohio’s go-to source for all things related to commercial and industrial pressure washing equipment.  We sell the best pressure washing chemicals and machinery, plus offer repair and maintenance services too. We’re your all-in-one choice for commercial cleaning systems.

Click here to contact us for an appointment.