Top Benefits of Fleet Pressure Washing

Maintaining a fleet of vehicles involves more than just keeping them fueled and mechanically sound; it demands a commitment to their aesthetic appeal and overall longevity. One powerful solution that addresses various maintenance challenges and offers multifaceted advantages is professional fleet pressure-washing equipment employing today’s best pressure washing chemicals.

That’s why the expert team from Crown Cleaning Systems wanted to delve deeper into the extensive benefits of embracing this proactive approach to fleet management.

1. Elevating Visual Appeal: A Testament to Excellence

The visual aesthetics of your service vehicles play a pivotal role in shaping your company’s reputation across industries. Just as a well-dressed candidate leaves a lasting impression in a job interview, presenting your fleet in its best condition sends a message of commitment to excellence. Professional pressure washing, coupled with the use of premium cleaning agents, ensures a consistently neat, clean, and shiny appearance. This not only creates a positive impression on clients but also fosters a sense of pride among your fleet drivers. In essence, these drivers become more than just operators; they become your proud brand ambassadors, embodying the commitment to quality that your business stands for.

2. Mitigating Wear and Tear: Prolonging Fleet Longevity

Extended periods on the road expose vehicles to a barrage of environmental elements, including dirt, grease, mud, and grime. Left unaddressed, these elements can infiltrate critical electronic and mechanical components, leading to accelerated wear and tear. Fleet pressure washing emerges as a strategic solution to mitigate these issues effectively. Professional mobile fleet washing equipment specialize in minimizing the build-up of contaminants and addressing the root causes of vehicle wear and tear. However, it’s crucial to note that the success of this strategy lies in avoiding common mistakes, such as using excessively high pressure that could result in paint peeling or pose risks to untrained operators.  So it’s important that you employees are properly trained to use pressure washing equipment.

3. The Role of Professional Expertise: Ensuring Flawless Execution

While the benefits of fleet pressure washing are evident, the process demands a level of expertise to achieve optimal results without unintended consequences. This is where employee equipment training in proper fleet washing come into play so they have the knowledge and experience to execute the job flawlessly, ensuring that your fleet receives the care it deserves. By making sure your employees are properly trained, you not only safeguard your vehicles, but also save safe money by having your employees keep your vehicles looking their best. 

In essence, investing in a fleet washing equipment and the right fleet washing chemicals transcends the removal of dirt and grime; it becomes a strategic decision to uphold your company’s image, enhance operational efficiency, and extend the longevity of your valuable assets. As a result, your vehicles find their rightful place—on the road, operating at peak performance.

Contact us for the best fleet washing equipment with the best pressure-washing chemicals

For the best fleet washing equipment, training, chemincals and comprehensive solutions, contact Crown Cleaning Systems online or call (216) 341-6000 or Toll-Free at 1-800-766-SOAP (7627).

How to Choose the Best Pressure Washer in Ohio

Pressure washers, renowned for their cleaning capabilities, excel at tackling a range of demanding tasks. Yet, with a multitude of options available, selecting the ideal unit can be daunting. Crown Cleaning System’s pressure washer guide covers topics such as electric vs. gas models, and nozzle selection, and water temperature.  This guide offers a comprehensive overview to aid you in choosing the perfect pressure washer for your specific requirements.

How do Pressure Washers Operate?

Pressure washers, also referred to as power washers, are effective tools for cleaning and rejuvenating a wide range of surfaces, including concrete, brick, siding, and industrial equipment. They are particularly useful in minimizing the necessity for manual scrubbing and the usage of harsh cleaning agents. The potent cleaning capability of a pressure washer is because of its motorized pump, which propels high-pressure water through a focused nozzle.

The Types of Pressure Washers

There are two varieties of pressure washers available on the market: gas and diesel models, and electric pressure washers. Below is a list of styles you may see:

  • Cart
  • Carry
  • Handheld
  • Skid
  • Wall-mount
  • Stationary

Water Temperatures


Steam pressure washers are highly versatile tools, well-suited for a wide range of applications including surface preparation, refinishing, automotive maintenance, and even the thawing of frozen equipment. These machines excel at eliminating oil and grease while generating minimal runoff compared to cold and hot water pressure washing methods.

Cold Water

Cold water pressure washers prove to be excellent choices for a wide range of general-purpose tasks such as facility maintenance, automotive maintenance, and hazardous material cleanup, among other applications.

Hot Water

Employ high-temperature power washers for your most challenging cleaning tasks. Hot water surpasses cold water in effectiveness when it comes to eliminating persistent stains like mud and grime.

Choosing the Best Pressure Nozzle

When choosing a pressure washer, it’s crucial to understand the various nozzles suited for different tasks and surfaces. Pressure washers typically provide color-coded, interchangeable nozzles or a versatile, all-in-one adjustable nozzle. Both nozzle types enable you to adjust the water spray angle as needed for specific tasks. Adjustable nozzles offer added convenience, as a simple twist allows you to modify the spray width or pattern.

Nozzles have different spray angles including:

  • 0-degree nozzle
  • 15-degree nozzle
  • 25-degree nozzle
  • 40-degree nozzle
  • 65-degree nozzle

Ensure You Use it Correctly

Using the wrong nozzle with your pressure washer can lead to injuries and costly property damage. Inappropriate tips can damage concrete, break window seals, and harm wood or composite decks.  Also, connect your pressure washer correctly to a water supply before turning it on, and avoid idle operation for more than a few minutes, as it can damage the pump and internal valves.

Visit Us in Ohio for Landa Pressure Washers!

Crown Cleaning Systems carries a wide range of pressure washers for sale or rent in Ohio, including high-end brands such as Landa pressure washers, Kärcher, and more! Visit our store today or give us a call for more information.

Pressure Washing in Cold Weather: 5 Tips from Professionals

As the temperatures drop in the Fall season, pressure washing can present unique challenges and considerations. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or new to the world of pressure washing, understanding how cold weather impacts the process is essential to achieving the best pressure washing results and avoiding potential pitfalls.

Crown Cleaning Systems tells you about a few expert tips from professionals to help you navigate the colder months successfully.

      1.   Pressure Wash on a Warmer Day

To protect your pipes and surfaces from freezing, it’s best to pressure wash in the sunlight. Avoid shaded areas and opt for bright sunlight when cleaning your house or other outdoor surfaces. Afternoons, when it’s hottest, work well as they speed up the drying process. This quick drying helps prevent the formation of ice, keeping everything safe and frost-free.

      2.   De-ice Your Surfaces

Regardless of the season, it’s essential to think about water runoff while pressure washing. If the runoff flows onto a driveway or sidewalk, it can freeze, creating hazardous conditions. To ensure safety, take a moment before pressure washing to de-ice the area. You can use substances like salt, sand, calcium chloride, or magnesium chloride to prevent ice formation. This proactive step will keep your surroundings safe and minimize any risks associated with pressure washing.

      3.   Consider Chemical Imbalances

In colder weather, pressure washing chemicals may not work as effectively as they do in warmer months. You should plan ahead and be prepared to use a bit more chemicals than usual. Also, safeguard your cleaning supplies from the cold. Liquid chemicals can separate if they freeze, so store them in a warm, dry area to prevent this issue. By taking these precautions, you can ensure that your cleaning process goes smoothly and that your chemicals remain effective throughout the colder seasons.

      4.   Remember to Have Your Fittings Checked

In winter, outdoor water sources are at risk of freezing due to the cold weather. Therefore, it’s essential to turn them off during maintenance to prevent damage. Since pressure washing relies on water for cleaning, you must have access to indoor fittings where water won’t freeze. This way, you can ensure a smooth and effective pressure washing process without worrying about freezing pipes or water sources.

Get Advice on the Best Pressure Washing Chemicals at Crown Cleaning Systems

Are you thinking of tackling a pressure washing project this Fall or Winter? Visit Crown Cleaning Systems, where our industry specialists will guide you through the best products and chemicals to ensure a seamless pressure washing job. Come see us in Cleveland, OH, or contact us today.

How to Select the Right Pressure Washer for Your Mobile Cleaning Business

Mobile cleaning businesses can vary in cleaning equipment and materials depending on the services they offer. If you own a mobile cleaning business, chances are you specialize in a specific type of offering such as truck or home exterior cleaning. In order to get a deep, professional clean, purchasing a pressure washer is imperative. However, it is important to know the different types of commercial pressure washers and find the right one for the surfaces you plan on cleaning.

If you are in the market for a pressure washer to compliment your mobile cleaning business, continue reading to learn everything you need to know from the experts at Crown Cleaning Systems before purchasing one of these powerful machines.

Tips for Selecting a Pressure Washer in Cleveland

Purchase from a reputable dealer

There are many advantages to purchasing a pressure washer from a certified local dealer. At Crown Cleaning Systems, we offer top-rated products such as Landa pressure washers in Cleveland with unsurpassed warranties on each individual part. Additionally, our technicians are well versed in Landa, Karcher, and other recognized brands, with over 30 years of experience troubleshooting problems. Having the expertise of a highly-regarded local dealer will take your cleaning services to the next level and secure your investment in one of these great machines.

Consider the material you are cleaning

If your cleaning business is responsible for clearing stuck-on grease or grime from large surfaces such as the exterior of a building, you may want to consider a hot water pressure washer. Conversely, cold water pressure washers are great for clearing away easily removable particles such as dirt or dust. Cleveland business owners can purchase Karcher or Landa pressure washers that utilize either cold or hot water from our knowledgeable team.

Be flexible with your offerings

If you are planning on investing money in an expensive piece of cleaning equipment, it is important to consider how your business may change in the coming years and whether your equipment will work for additional services you may offer in the future. A great way to ensure your pressure washer is useful for a range of services is to buy from a brand that is compatible with various accessories and attachments. Landa pressure washers are Cleveland’s top choice for compatibility with a variety of parts and accessories.

Contact Crown Cleaning Systems today at (216) 341-6000 for all your pressure washer repair and purchasing needs!

4 Ways That Commercial Pressure Washing Can Increase Sales

There is nothing like a dirty entrance to drive customers away from your business. While it is important to keep the inside of your commercial space tidy, business owners should be looking at the appearance of their entire property in order to get customers through the door.

Crown Cleaning Systems has helped countless Cleveland business owners tidy up the outside of their commercial buildings with pressure washer sales, rentals and repairs. Continue reading for four foolproof ways to increase sales with this high-powered cleaning solution.

4 Reasons Why Pressure Washing Improves Sales

1. An inviting appearance

A buildup of dirt and grime can easily make a paved walkway, a set of steps or a brick building exterior look dreary and uninviting. There is no better way to attract new customers to your shop than to keep the outside of your business looking fresh with a powerful dirt-removing pressure washer. This will also send a message to onlookers that the interior of your business is clean and well taken care of.

2. Help maintain the building

Staying on top of cleaning with a commercial pressure washer is a great way to keep your Cleveland shop in good condition and avoid costly repairs. When a building is affected by a serious buildup of residue, it can impact the integrity of the structure by expanding cracks and holes in various parts of the building. This could mean thousands of dollars in repairs that could be easily avoided by using a pressure washer from a reputable brand such as Karcher or Landa.

3. Take your business advertisements to the next level

Adjustable pressure washing accessories such as Karcher triple jet nozzles and safe cleaning chemicals like High Image allow business owners to clean even the most delicate signage on a commercial building. Cleaning up your advertisements will make them look brand new, encouraging customers to check out the products or services that you have to offer.

4. Protect your staff

Many business owners focus on sanitizing the inside of their business to keep employees from getting sick. However, with employees coming in and out of the building daily, it is equally as important to keep the exterior of your business clean to prevent the spread of illnesses.

Crown Cleaning Systems

Call us at (216) 341-6000 and speak to the experts at Cleveland’s best pressure washer repair shop today to learn more about our excellent cleaning products and services!

Your Guide to Purchasing a Pressure Washer in Ohio

Whether you own a business or you are looking for a powerful cleaning tool to freshen up the look of your home, a pressure washer is a great option for removing stubborn dirt and grime from a variety of surfaces. There are, however, a few things that buyers should know before committing to a pressure washer, as these powerful pieces of equipment are fairly expensive, and they can seriously vary in capabilities depending on the model.

At Ohio’s Crown Cleaning Systems, we offer an array of pressure washers and parts from top brands like Karcher and Landa. Below we have provided a few valuable pieces of information for those looking into buying a pressure washer for the first time.

Tips for Buying a Pressure Washer

Know the difference between electric and petrol models

Before purchasing a pressure washer, it is important to be realistic about how often you will use it and for what purpose. While most homeowners can get all of the functions they need out of a lightweight, quiet electrical power washer; business owners or those with large properties may want to consider a more heavy-duty, cordless petrol or trailer pressure washer. For the occasional large pressure washing job, you may also want to consider utilizing a short-term, mobile pressure washer system or renting a petrol-powered model for the day.

Determine the PSI that you require

Before shopping for a pressure washer, we recommend writing down the PSI that you require for the jobs that you plan on completing with your pressure washer. PSI stands for ‘pounds per square inch,’ and is used to measure the amount of water, which comes out of your pressure washer. If you plan on washing fragile items such as cars or bicycles, opt for a pressure washer with a PSI under 1500. For pavement, fences and other relatively tough materials, buyers should look for a PSI well over 1500.

Use accessories and attachments to complete specific jobs

Whether you require an infrared heater to keep you warm during a large-scale cleaning project, or a jet nozzle to clean concentrated areas of dirt and grime, accessories and parts by top pressure washer brands in Ohio such as Karcher are a great way to make the most out of your pressure washer.

From pressure washer parts to repair services, Crown Cleaning Systems is here for all of your cleaning needs! Contact us today for more information about our excellent products and services in Ohio.

4 Things You Should Know Before Buying a Pressure Washer

A pressure washer has the power to remove stuck-on grime quickly and easily, revealing a surface that looks brand new. Unfortunately, many homeowners wind up wasting money on an expensive pressure washer that lands them in a Cleveland repair shop after just a few uses.

Our team at Crown Cleaning Systems has put together a list of four things that buyers should consider before purchasing a pressure washer.

1. How it works

A pressure washer uses a motor or an engine to turn a pump, which then pushes the water at a high velocity through a small opening. This creates enough pressure for the stream of water to remove stubborn grime off of a surface. The key to this process is the amount of pressure that the machine produces. If the engine or motor in your pressure washer breaks, you will have to take it to a pressure washer repair shop in Cleveland.

2. Terminology

It is important for buyers to understand the terminology that is used to describe the amount of power and water pressure that the machine will be able to produce.

Similar to a car engine or motor, pressure washers have a certain amount of “horsepower,” which will tell you the amount of power that this machine employs.

“Pounds per square inch,” or PSI is another measurement that tells the buyer how powerful the machine is.

“Gallons per minute,” or GPM is a term that tells the buyer the amount of water that is released per minute, and therefore the amount of pressure that is applied.

“Cleaning power units” is a term that summarizes the amount of power produced by the PSI and the GPM by multiplying the two amounts. Buyers should look at the individual numbers, however, to get a more complete understanding of the machine’s cleaning power.

3. What accessories you might need

A pressure washer cannot operate without the proper accessories. Nozzles, detergents, extensions, and gutter cleaning accessories will help you perform tasks that are specific to your needs. Take note of the tasks you will be using this machine for before heading to a pressure washer shop.

4. The differences between industrial and home pressure washers

Buyers should be realistic about the tasks that they need a pressure washer for, and how often they will use it. Homeowners do not normally need a heavy-duty gas engine, or a belt drive in their pressure washer, as these are features of an industrial level pressure washer.

Visit Our Shop for Pressure Washers & Repair Services in Cleveland

For more information on buying a pressure washer, or if you are looking for a reliable pressure washer repair shop in Cleveland, call our team today at (216) 341-6000. Get your free quote today!

Pressure Washers: Should You Buy or Rent?

Ohio residents who are looking for a powerful cleaning tool often find it difficult deciding whether to buy a pressure washer or explore rental options. There are several factors that will determine whether you will be better off buying or renting a pressure washer.

The team at Crown Cleaning Systems has provided a list of things to consider when looking into the pressure washer options in Ohio.

A variety of cleaning models

Ohio residents who are considering pressure washer rental options for their commercial or residential space will have the advantage of variety. Renting one of these machines means that you will not have to commit to a single pressure washer model.

Pressure washer models from companies such as Crown Cleaning Systems range from gas to electric power sources, as well as various levels of pressure, sizes, and water temperature. Rental options will allow you to capitalize on different types of cleaning for various jobs. The cleaning specialists at Ohio’s Crown Cleaning Systems can provide expert advice and a convenient delivery service for each pressure washer rental so that you are prepared for every cleaning job.

Fluctuating prices

While variety is a great advantage to pressure washer rental in Ohio, customers will be subject to various price points depending on a few factors. Different cleaning jobs will require various lengths of rental time and specific machinery to get the best clean. This means that the total price will likely change each time you rent, depending on your needs.

At Crown Cleaning Systems, we’re committed to finding cost-efficient options that will fit into your budget. However, for those who prefer the peace of mind that comes with paying a single price and owning the machine, buying may be a better option.

Constant access

Ohio residents should consider how often they plan on using their pressure washer, and whether it may always be more practical to have one on hand. Regardless of your skill level, the team at Crown Cleaning Systems is happy to provide instructions and demonstrations, so that you can properly use your pressure washer.

If you do not have a constant need for a pressure washer, however, rental options may be more suitable, as the knowledgeable team at Crown Cleaning Systems will be able to recommend a device that is best for the task at hand each time you rent.

Crown Cleaning Systems is Here to Help

Are you thinking about buying or renting a pressure washer for an impressive clean? Call us today at 216-341-6000 to speak to one of our experts about the well-maintained, cost-efficient pressure washers and accessories we offer from highly regarded brands such as LANDA and Karcher.