If you own your own pressure washer, you’ll undoubtedly run into maintenance issues from time to time. Many of these will require calling in a qualified Ohio power washer repair service – but not always. You can solve some basic common problems yourself, with minimal mechanical knowledge needed.
Not every power washer problem has a DIY solution, but it’s best to explore these options before calling for service. You could potentially save time and money!
Fixing Three Common Issues with Pressure Washers
I. Too Much Water Pressure
While pressure washers are built around spraying water at high speeds and pressures, you can definitely have too much of a good thing. Some surfaces and structures are vulnerable to damage, and you’ll want to dial back the pressure to protect them. Also, if the washer is genuinely blasting higher pressures than it’s rated for, that could quickly do serious damage to the motor and other components.
Fortunately, this can usually be fixed just by loosening the washer’s unloader valve. The location of this will vary between models, so check the manual. Generally speaking, you can tighten or loosen this valve at will, to fine-tune the pressure.
II. Too Little Water Pressure
If your pressure washer isn’t blasting hard enough, it’s not going to get the job done. This could also indicate internal problems like clogs which, if they go ignored, could lead to costly Ohio power washer repair bills.
There are a few things to check here:
- Check all the hoses for kinks or clogs. Most of these are easily accessed.
- Check the inlet water filter. If it’s become clogged, it’ll choke the entire system. Fortunately, these filters are sturdy, so give them a good scrub and it should be fine.
- Swap out the nozzle with a different one, to see if the nozzle is clogged.
If none of those fix the issue, it’s probably mechanical and will need professional service.
III. Your Pressure Washer Won’t Start, or Dies Quickly While Idling
If you’re struggling to get your washer to start up and keep running, there are a few different things that could be causing the issue.
- First, check the obvious things: gas and oil. Are both topped up/
- Is the carburetor clogged? Your carburetor will have a drain plug, so pull that and let everything inside dribble out.
- Are any filters clogged? This includes the fuel filter, air filter, and inlet filter. Also, check the gas tank’s cap for clogs.
If none of those work, it’s probably a more serious problem with the carburetor which will require professional attention. Don’t try to fix the carburetor yourself unless you have experience; it’s a complicated job with a lot of little parts to remove and keep track of.
Crown Cleaning Systems is your source for top-quality Ohio power washer repair services, sales, rentals, and more! If you’re having trouble with your power washer, we have the tools and skills to get it running again at a reasonable price. Just contact us to discuss the problems you’re having.